Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Are you looking for a career in local, state, federal law enforcement, corrections, corporate or government security, customs or immigration? Then the BS in criminology may be the educational choice for you. This degree prepares its graduates to enter the field with the knowledge and specialized skills needed to be a successful addition to the law enforcement community.

Job Outlook

As the population continues to increase each year, unfortunately so does the number of criminal activities that occur on a daily basis. There will always be a need for law enforcement personnel. This provides for job security that may not be found in other career fields. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics there will be over 270,000 new jobs within this field by the year 2016. This provides the graduate with various employment opportunities within numerous different agencies.

Program Information

A BS in criminology provides the student with disciplines in crime analysis, criminal behavior, decision making and problem solving, professional ethics and much more. It also introduces students to the complex environment of homeland security, regulatory agencies, public safety, law enforcement, criminal justice systems and social support services and how they directly impact the security and improvement of society.

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