Frequently Asked Questions about the Paramedic to RN Online Degree Program

Can I get an accredited nursing degree?

Yes! The degree is fully accredited. Graduates of the paramedic to RN degree program will receive an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. Upon graduation, your state nursing board will be notified that you have completed the necessary requirements, and you can now site for your state nursing board exams. Read more about accreditation...

My paramedic certification is not accredited. Can I turn my certification into college credits?

Absolutely. You will be given ample study materials and preparation to use towards the CLEP exams. Passing the CLEP exams will grant you college credits. Once completed, you will then be enrolled into an accredited nursing degree program.

How long does the degree program take?

That is really up to you. The program can take as little as 12 months, if you are willing to put the effort into your education.

I do not understand the clinical schedule. How does that work?

Students will be required to attend a clinical testing date at one of the many remote testing centers in the country. The testing event will evaluate your hands-on skill and will award credit for successful completion. There are many options available for studying for the clinical evaluation. Students are encouraged to use these study materials and practice for their clinical testing.

I have heard that the program is very expensive. Is this true?

On the contrary: The costs of the program are usually substantially lower than tradition rates. Also, students should consider the reduction in associated costs. Travel time, fuel costs, missed work, and even college campus parking fees, are all virtually eliminated. Even the small things add up, and an online degree program saves money in areas that most do not stop to consider.

I have never taken online college courses. Are they right for me?

A lot of people ask this question, and the only real way to know is to perform a bit of “self-evaluation.” However, here are a few qualities that suit an online student:

  • Self-Disciplined
  • Dedicated to your education
  • Can separate time at home for school
  • Career driven
  • Organized

Want to know more? We recommend reading these articles on online education.

Does the program qualify for financial aid and student assistance?

Yes, it does. The paramedic to RN degree program is accredited, just like any other college degree program. Therefore, it qualifies for the same tuition and student assistance as any other college degree. Online degree programs are the same as attending a campus, except they are completed online and the student is not required to sit in a classroom.

If I request information about the paramedic to RN program, will I be obligated to anything?

No! Requesting information is simply that. In fact, we encourage you to get this information, just so you can learn more about the program and make an informed decision. There is no obligation, and the information is free.

Ready to ask for information about the paramedic to RN program?



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